Are Bonsai Trees Hard To Grow?

Bonsai trees are notorious for being difficult to look after. This is one of the reasons why people avoid growing one altogether. They have this fear that they might accidentally kill it. 

For that very reason, most people think that anything from sunlight and the soil type, to the water that is used can mean the death of that beloved bonsai tree. 

Are Bonsai Trees Hard To Grow?

While yes, bonsai trees are well-known as a difficult ‘plant’, it is only true if you don’t have the full knowledge of how to look after them. So, are bonsai trees hard to grow? No, they are not.

Why? Because so long as you understand their requirements and realize that they are, in fact, a tree, then that is a good starting point to growing a healthy and happy bonsai tree. 

So, let’s take a look at whether actually growing a bonsai tree is the hard part, and some tips for those that are looking to own a beautiful bonsai tree. 

Are Bonsai Trees Hard to Grow?

Bonsai trees look impressive, and they can come in many different shapes and forms. Just by looking at them, they can appear to be seen as difficult to care for and grow. 

Despite this, whether as an expert or a beginner, so long as you have the knowledge, you can take care of a bonsai tree.

They are a tree (just small and in a tiny pot), meaning that what they need are the basics that any tree has to survive: nutrient rich soil, sunlight, and water.

With this knowledge, looking after a bonsai tree should start to seem simple and easy. 

However, the more difficult part is knowing the type of tree that you own. Because of this, their requirements may be a little different, so it is important to find out.

Understanding this bit of information can determine whether the bonsai tree lives or dies. While looking after a bonsai tree is relatively simple, each bonsai tree has different requirements. For example, some need a colder environment, or even more water.

The bonsai tree might even need less light, and could be prone to dying if given too much sunlight. 

So, now is the time to read up on the species of bonsai that you have to fully understand its needs. Once you have done that, you will be able to take care of it properly. 

Why Are Bonsai Trees Thought of As Being Difficult?

A bonsai plant is seen as difficult because people struggle with understanding it. In relation to the previous question, a person who owns a bonsai plant may decide to look after it just like any other house plant.

While this isn’t the worst thing to do with a general plant – maybe a cactus – a bonsai tree has different needs. Because their needs haven’t been met, and the owner hasn’t understood the tree, it dies.

Maintaining a bonsai tree doesn’t have to be difficult or hard. In fact, once you have figured out the species of your bonsai tree, then the rest should follow. 

For example, if you find out it needs watering but the soil should be kept damp at all times, then take a few seconds a day to check up on it. 

Think of it as a living thing that you need to look after in order for it to survive (which is true, by the way). Once you start to realize that it has certain requirements to keep it going, then the rest will come naturally.

However, you may find that your bonsai tree needs a particular environment. This is the hardest it is going to be to look after your bonsai tree. This is because it can be difficult to create a cold space in the height of summer, for example.

Tips for Bonsai Tree Beginners

While looking after a bonsai tree isn’t too difficult, there are some things to think about as a beginner. If you have no idea where to start, take a look at these tips for some advice:

Buy a Pre-Grown Tree

When you first invest in a bonsai tree, always go with one that has been pre-grown. Growing your own bonsai tree can be a difficult time for those who have no experience of owning one.

While it can take around two years to grow a bonsai tree, you may not understand the requirements needed. For example, the environment may be too cold, or does it need to be outside instead?

If you have no idea, always look for a species of bonsai that can survive where you currently live in order for it to have a better chance of surviving.  

Don’t Treat it Like a Normal House Plant

It isn’t a regular house plant, it’s a mini tree – so treat it like one. 

Just like the above, make sure you find out its individual needs so you can maintain it for years to come without the risk of it dying within a few weeks. 

Learn About the Species of Tree

When you buy the bonsai tree, learn all there is to know about the tree. This way, you lower the risk of it dying. The more you know, the likelihood you will have a thriving bonsai tree and will understand its needs.

This is because you will be able to create its natural environment and not give it too much of this or that, etc.

Some species include:

  • Ficus Bonsai – a great tree for beginners due to it being hardy and not needing as much light.
  • Chinese Elm Bonsai – a traditional looking tree that again, is great for beginners. It grows very quickly!
  • Carmona Bonsai – it produces tiny flowers and red fruit throughout the year. Also should spend time outside to thrive.
  • Serissa Japonica – not an easy bonsai to care for. Produces pretty flowers during the warmer months. 

Final Thoughts on Bonsai Trees

While bonsai trees are known as being hard to grow, they don’t have to be. So long as you research the species that you own, then you will be able to understand its needs.

This helps you to maintain your bonsai tree which lowers the risk of it dying. It will also make the process so much easier, all because you will know exactly how to look after it to make sure it thrives.