If you have ever seen a sumo wrestling match or heard of these unique sportsmen, you will know that their physique is uniquely plus-sized. These giants are usually a minimum of three-hundred and thirty pounds.

If you just look at a sumo wrestler you would instantly think that they are overweight or obese. But are they really? In this article, we aim to answer that very question.
So, without further ado let us dive straight in!
What Exactly Is Sumo Wrestling?
Sumo wrestling is one of Japan’s traditional sports. It goes back all the way to the Edo period. These wrestlers have a unique look.
They are usually large or overweight, wear their hair in a traditional hairstyle known as a topknot and they wear a mawashi or loincloth when they are in the ring.
But how does sumo wrestling work?
This sport starts when two wrestlers step into a ring and try to either force them to the ground or out of the ring. They are not allowed to fight using closed fists or pull hair.
They must simply grapple until they are thrown out of the ring or forced to the ground.
When someone decides to become a sumo wrestler they move to a place known as a heya or stable.
This is where wrestlers will eat, drink, sleep and do everything else that they will need to do in order to prepare themselves for this sport.
Are Sumo Wrestlers Healthy Or Not?
In the world of sumo wrestling where the size of an athlete is a privilege. For this reason, these sportsmen have a goal of getting to between three hundred and four hundred pounds. But they are not actually obese even at this impressive weight.
One reason for this is the amount of visceral fat. This type of fat is normally located across the abdomen and around essential organs like the liver.
Somebody that is obese will have high levels of visceral fat. It is quite an active fat that can live in the blood with other molecules This process can cause inflammation.
When there is a high content of this visceral fat it can cause a lot of health issues like heart attacks, cardiovascular conditions, and even type two diabetes.
But do sumo wrestlers have a lot of visceral fat due to the size that they are? Well, some doctors have done studies on the subject. CT scans done on sumo wrestlers have shown that these athletes do not actually have a lot of visceral fat.
The fat that sumo wrestlers have is typically stored just under the skin and not around their organs. Even the fat that is contained in their blood is known as triglycerides, which is relatively healthy.
On top of that, sumo wrestlers do not typically have high cholesterol. This means that they are less likely to get diseases or conditions related to this issue.
What Does The Diet Of A Sumo Wrestler Look Like?
So how do sumo wrestlers get so big without being obese or unhealthy? Well, a large contributing factor is the special diet that they partake in.
To reach a weight of three hundred to four hundred pounds a person would need to eat a large number of calories. They would need to consume seven thousand to ten thousand calories every day in order to get as big as they are or maintain their weight.
The dish that these athletes eat is called chankonabe which contains all the proteins, minerals, and vitamins that they would need to maintain and increase the weight of a sumo wrestler.
Chankonabe is not one particular meal, it actually changes depending on what the person wants to consume. Chankonabe normally comes in the form of a rich soup that is full of meat and vegetables that they need to eat.
Below are some of the foods that are also included in the chankonabe diet:
On the day of the competition, most chankonabe will be made with chicken. This is because many of these amazing athletes believe that it is good luck.
This is because chickens walk with only two feet on the ground which is symbolic of a sumo wrestlers’ need to stay on their feet in order to win a match.
Noodles And Rice
Sumo wrestlers need a lot of calories and one of the best foods to consume to give them all the calories they need is rice or noodles.
Because of this, they will normally consume two or more large bowls of noodles and rice every day. This is so that they can get the extra weight that will give them a competitive edge in the ring.
Beer And Water

For every human in the world, staying hydrated is extremely important. This is even more important for athletes. This is because after training a sumo wrestler will be dehydrated and need a lot to drink.
But they do not only drink water, they often replace it with tea or beer which are two of the most popular drinks in Japan.
What Are Sumo Wrestler’s Eating Habits?
How often do sumo wrestlers eat? Well, typically they do not eat breakfast and will instead go to training. It is only at twelve noon that they will get to eat.
The main reason that breakfast is skipped is that exercising right after eating can cause abdominal issues.
After sumo wrestlers have eaten their fill they will then take a nap for about four hours. By sleeping after eating the food that has just been consumed will be turned into fat.
But that is not all. Right after they wake up from their nap these athletes will wake up and eat another meal at about eight or ten o’clock.
Final Thoughts
We hope that you have enjoyed reading our article on whether sumo wrestlers are healthy or not. The short answer is that they are more healthy than obese people due to the low visceral fat and fat in their bloodstream.
This makes them less likely to get weight-related diseases concerning the heart or diabetes.
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