Geisha are a part of Japanese culture.
If you have watched anime, like looking into Japanese history or you have enjoyed the masterpiece memoirs of a geisha you will know that geisha are an important part of their culture.

Because of this it is easy to get overwhelmed when you see a geisha ‘out in the wild’. So are you allowed to photograph a geisha if you spot them in the street or see them around town?
You may feel your excitement bubbling up and want to snap that picture or ask the geisha if you are allowed to take a picture. But is it allowed?
Well, that is what we are here to answer for you. Let’s get started!
Are You Allowed To As A Geisha For A Photo?
The answer to this question is both yes and no. It is not advised to walk up to geisha and simply ask for a photo. This is largely due to the fact that they may be entertaining a client.
By interrupting her and asking for a picture you may embarrass her or the client she is entertaining. As you will know, Japan is big on respect toward each other.
Even tourists need to be respectful and mindful of others on their trips to Japan.
So what about simply snapping a picture from afar without her noticing? Well, this is considered to be quite rude behavior.
That being said there may be some opportunities where pictures are allowed to be taken. So let’s find out what your options are!
What Is The Best Way To Get A Picture Of A Geisha?
If you are determined to get a photo of a geisha we recommend that you hire her. Geisha are after all private entertainers who can be hired out if you have the money for it.
That being said, it can be quite pricey to actually hire a geisha. On top of that, as a foreigner it is even harder as the geisha business is one that is built on trust.
Thai means that they are far more likely to work with people that they know and are familiar with.
For the sake of this article, we are going to assume that you have managed to hire a geisha through someone you know or a travel agency. The geisha will then have the role of entertaining you.
They will regale you with traditional Japanese singing, dancing, conversation, and even drinking games. During these moments you may ask for a picture.
However, if she doesn’t want her photo taken you should respect her wishes and not take photos even in secret.
Even then, how are you actually going to hire a geisha? They cost a lot of money. On top of that if you want to rent a private room you may find that you will need to pay upwards of $1000.
This price tag should cover the cost of the room, two geisha, and one musical instrument known as a jikata.
But that is not all, you may find that your price will only grow larger depending on the food and drink consumed as well as several other factors.
But that is not your biggest problem. In order to hire a geisha you are going to need a recommendation from an existing client.

Sadly you can’t just arrive at a tea house and get served. It is more than likely that you will be asked to leave as tourists do not tend to have the right connections.
In rare cases your hotel concierge may be able to arrange it for you or you may find that a tour operator will have the right connections to put you in contact with a geisha.
Just remember, before you can hire a geisha you may need an interpreter. It is extremely unlikely that the geisha you hire will be able to speak English.
As such you may need an interpreter so that you can communicate.
In Kyoto there is a restaurant known as Yasaka Dori Enraku. It is a traditional Japanese restaurant which also caters to tourists. They do offer maiko shows. A maiko is a geisha-in-training.
At this restaurant you should be able to watch the maikos perform, enjoy a chat with them and perhaps even play a drinking game or two with them. At this point you may ask for photos to be taken with them.
This may be the cheapest and most accessible method to get a picture of geisha. Even though maiko are trainee geisha. It is better than nothing and it is certainly much less pricey.
How Should You Behave Around Geisha?
So if you manage to see a geisha in public or hire one, how should you act? The women in this industry are very professional.
They spend many years in training improving themselves and their craft. Through their training they are taught to uphold Japanese tradition. So, how does this mean you should act?
As you may know, geisha spend a lot of time on their appearance. Their hair and makeup takes hours to get just so. Geisha are also always busy, going from appointment to appointment.
So if you see them in the street it is not a good time to stop them. They have somewhere to be and cannot be late.
As a tourist you really need to be respectful of geisha. Many of them have started using taxis to move around so that tourists do not hound them.
If you find yourself dining with a geisha you are bound to enjoy some of their entertainment as it is part of their job.
Only part of a geisha’s job is to sing or dance. But she will also be there to play games with you and keep you company so bear that in mind.
It is for this reason that it is essential to make sure that you either understand the language or have an interpreter with you.
Geisha are trained in conversation. This means that if you are nervous they will know just how to act and what to talk about.
It is essential to bear in mind that geisha are NOT prostitutes. This is a common misconception but it is entirely untrue. Geisha are just entertainers and company during dinner.
Once you have finished eating that will be the end of their job.
Final Thoughts
We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and learning about whether you can take pictures of geisha or not.
At the end of the day you can take pictures but it is important that you do so respectfully. Take care not to bother geisha in the street as they have a busy life and a job to do.
If you manage to hire one for your entertainment then you need to be aware of how to act respectfully and ask for photos. If they decline then that is the end of the matter and you should not push it.
With all of that said, we hope that you have a wonderful day. Make sure to do additional research on geisha so that you understand more about the culture. It is certainly fascinating!
Goodbye for now!
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