Once the partying is over from the night before, there is nothing worse than spending all day suffering from a hangover. This is especially true if you cheekily decided to drink one to many cups of sake the night before a busy day.
Whether you are spending the day sitting on the couch binging on your favorite show on Netflix, or have errands to run, you will not want to be feeling the effects of the alcohol that was consumed into the wee hours.
Green tea is one of those drinks that some turn to when wanting to remove those feelings of nausea and headache that are associated with drinking too much.

However, can green tea help with a hangover?
Well, that depends. It isn’t going to miraculously get rid of the common symptoms, but it can help to keep you hydrated and calm.
So, with this in mind, let’s take a look at how green tea can help you after one too many drinks!
Is It Good To Drink Tea For A Hangover?
Once the hangover has set in after a few hours of (unrestful) sleep, then nothing is going to help take it away. However, you can soothe a hangover and get your body feeling better again.
Alcohol can damage the body and leave you very dehydrated the next day. Whilst water is a great option to get you back to being tip-top, so is green tea.
Not only is green tea also hydrating, but it also includes many benefits. That is because green tea has antioxidants that contribute to a healthy immune system.
Plus, green tea also includes L-Theanine which is known to calm a person.
This is especially helpful if having a hangover makes you either feel on edge and makes you feel quite anxious.
But What About the Negatives Of Drinking Green Tea For A Hangover?
Like with most things, too much of a good thing can harm you. Well, green tea isn’t going to harm you, however it does include caffeine.
In fact, it can be from 20 to 50mg worth which is around 20 to 30 percent that of a stronger coffee.
Also, green tea is a diuretic drink in the same way as alcohol is. This means that it will cause you to need to urinate a lot more, and bring on dehydration because of it. That is the last thing you want whilst nursing a hangover!
Not only that, caffeine isn’t a good choice for those who suffer with the shakes or anxiety. In fact, it can make it worse.
For this reason, green tea isn’t suitable for everybody.
However, there are caffeine free versions out there, though the antioxidant benefits might not be the same due to whatever process the leaves have been through to make them caffeine free.
What Green Tea Is Good For A Hangover?
A good green tea to try is hojicha tea. It is a low caffeine green tea that doesn’t have the same bitterness, and can be drunk throughout the day.
Whilst it doesn’t have all the strong benefits of a traditional green tea, it can help to rehydrate the body and calm the mind.
Why Do People Get A Hangover?
Alcohol can leave people feeling pretty rough, but there is a reason for this.
Let’s take a look at the reasons that we suffer from the dreaded hangover after a good night out, or perhaps one too many wines sitting in front of the television screen.
Dehydration From Alcohol
Alcohol is a type of diuretic meaning that it blocks the release of the vasopressin which is formed in the pituitary gland. This helps with the water regulation, so once it becomes blocked, it makes you wee more.
So, because of this, you are likely to become dehydrated in the process. Having a glass of water whilst you are drinking alcohol can help to avoid this.
However, you may need to pass urine even more! Though, it will help to avoid having a hangover.
Inflammation Inside The Body
Once alcohol enters the body it is broken down to begin a new life as energy inside your liver. Because of this, by-products which are toxic are released into the body which can react and build up in cells.
This then causes cells in the body to become inflamed which means you feel pretty terrible the next day.
Not Enough Sleep
Whilst some people have a nightcap to help with sleep, alcohol actually disrupts it. This means that you will not be getting a good sleep when alcohol is consumed, no matter how fast you drift off in the first place.
This is because alcohol actually stops your brain from ever reaching the stage of REM, the part where you dream and are resting fully.
So without this stage of sleep, you cannot feel fully restored and rested.
Final Thoughts
Sadly, if you are looking for a hangover cure, green tea isn’t it. Whilst it does have antioxidant properties which are good for the body and helping it to get back to its normal self, the caffeine can counteract it.
Not only that, there is absolutely no evidence to say that green tea can help with a hangover.
However, if you choose to drink green tea in the morning after a big night out is up to you. Some may find it very calming, and feel like they are doing good for their body.
Those who suffer from hangover anxiety may not benefit at all, however. The caffeine will likely exacerbate the condition, so green tea should be avoided at all costs.
For an even better option, why not have a glass of water? Try having a hot glass of water with a hint of natural fruit like lemon to clear out the system, as well as give you full hydration.
If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy our article on ‘Does Sake Expire?‘.
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