Japan is known as one of the top safest countries in the world. Tokyo itself is considered to be a safe city to live in.

Despite this, if you find yourself in the wild, you are likely to come face-to-face with danger. This is in the form of animals and creepy bugs.
That is right, Japan has many of them. From big, brown, grizzly bears (see also ‘The Two Ferocious Bears In Japan: With Pictures And Facts‘), to spikey fish and stinging bugs. If you are not careful, you may be in serious trouble!
With this in mind, let’s take a look at the 9 most dangerous animals in Japan (see also our article on Japan’s national animal). Some of them are so dangerous that they may kill. While others may still seriously harm you.
Let’s go!

While seeing ‘Fugu’ on a Japanese menu will not make you worried, it might do if you knew what it was.
Even though it is considered a delicacy in various parts of Japan, pufferfish can be deadly.
And we are not talking about the spikes, either – though you don’t want to touch them! Pufferfish can kill humans after it is dead. That’s because it contains tetrodotoxin.
Tetrodotoxin is a toxin which can paralyze. This then leads to asphyxiation, and ultimately death. Not quite the evening meal you had planned.
A chef who deals with pufferfish must cut it in such a precise way to avoid this happening.
Otherwise, you may end up needing your stomach pumped – that is if you haven’t died. Eeek!
Asian Hornet

The Asian hornet, otherwise known as a murder hornet, is a big bug. Locally it is known as suzumebachi, and they contribute to around 50 deaths every year.
While you will not want to come across one of these giant wasp type bugs, they can be harmless. That is because one sting will be extremely painful, but it should not kill you.
Unless you are already allergic to stings, of course.
For the Asian hornet to give you a deadly dose of poison from its sting, it will need to sting you over and over. This often happens if you come across a swarm of them.
To avoid getting stung by the 6 millimeter stinger, avoid them completely. It is not worth getting up close to this scary bug.
Ussuri Brown Bear

The ussuri brown bear might look like a cute and grizzly bear, but don’t be fooled. They can be found in Japan, China, Russia and the Korean Peninsula.
Often they are called the ‘black grizzly’, perhaps due to their dark brown color.
Even so, while they might look like something from Build a Bear, they have been known to kill humans.
In fact, they once killed seven humans in the Japanese village of Tomamae. Scary!
Asiatic Black Bear

Even though the asiatic black bear (or tsuki no waguma) is endangered, they do still exist. In fact, they can be found on the small island, Shikoku.
They can also be found to the west side of Tokyo within the mountains. They are also known to live in other places across Japan too, so watch out.
While they are considered to be herbivores, if threatened, they have been known to eat both humans and animals.
Four people were killed and eaten by a asiatic black bear in 2016 as they hunted for wild food to eat. So, you can never be too careful.
Habu Snake

Snakes can be scary and dangerous anyway, but the habu snake certainly tops that list. It is known for having quite the temper, and a striking range which is far and wide.
Fortunately, it is unlikely you will meet up with one. They are nocturnal and live on Ryukyu islands.
It is unlikely the habu snake will kill you if you use an anti-venom. Even so, it can still change your life if you are bitten by one.
Some people have reported that they have a disability, and lose their motor-function. Also, you can suffer from hypotension, nausea and vomiting.
If the snake bite isn’t treated? Well, then you will die.
Japanese Wild Boar

When it comes to wild boars, they do not look immediately dangerous. However, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Also known as inoshishi, they can be found on hillsides across Japan, though not Hokkaido. This means that there is a chance that you might cross paths during a hike.
If this is the case, stay clear of them. They are known to be aggressive, even when unprovoked. They will munch their way through human flesh with no problem at all.
Often Boars have been known to take over towns and villages out of the blue. In 2018, many Japanese villages became overrun with boars.
This may not sound like something threatening. However, because they will kill humans, it will make you want to leave home!
Redback Spider

If you hate spiders, look away now.
While originally from Australia, redback spiders (or kumo) have already become an invasive bug in Japan.
They arrived in Osaka via a container delivering wood chips. Since then, they have been spotted in many parts of the country, including the city of Tokyo.
However, you are unlikely to see these during the day, as they tend to spin their webs during the night. Scarily, they can catch tiny sized reptiles to consume.
Fortunately, it is unlikely it will kill you. Even so, one bite can cause you to have a headache, sweating, and pain in the muscles.
Just like the Asian hornets, stay away from them!
Titan Vermin

The Titan Vermin is a centipede that wraps its legs around its victims. It can grow up to 20 cm in length.
Its prey includes bugs and spiders, but also scorpions too.
This centipede has venom which can kill its prey, but as of yet, there have been no human deaths reported. Still, if it bites you, seek medical advice.
During the summer, you may find them within nature. As the stormy weather approaches, they will try and find refuge inside homes.
Japanese Mamushi Snake
We have left the most dangerous until last. The Mamushi snake, also known as Japanese moccasin, is found on most of the archipelago islands, including the mainland.
However, despite this, you probably won’t find it within a city. However, that is not to say it will never happen!
Once a mamushi snake takes a bite, it can cause serious damage and death if left untreated.
For example, you will suffer from necrosis on the skin. Muscles will also degenerate, and the tissue will become liquid.
Sounds nice, right?
The snake is likely to be camouflaged, so always take care when walking through the wild.
Final Thoughts
There are many dangerous animals, bugs and wildlife in Japan (see also ‘10 Must-Have Experiences Of Japanese Wildlife During Your Trip‘). While most will not kill you, some attacks and bites can end in death.
To avoid this, stay clear of any animal or bug that does not look familiar to you.
That way, you can be safe and still continue to enjoy the delights that Japan has on offer to you.
Check out the rest of the website for more interesting Japanese facts. Also we take a look at some of the best places to visit in Japan.
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