Chopsticks are notoriously difficult to get the hang of if you didn’t grow up using them. However, it is not impossible, and with some practice, you can start using chopsticks for everything!
One food that you might think you are going to struggle with is ramen – specifically, using chopsticks with ramen. Luckily, this is going to be a lot easier than you might think, but only once you can actually use chopsticks.

To help with that, we are going to go through everything you need to know about using chopsticks, including how to use them for ramen. If that interests you, stick around!
The Run-Down On Chopsticks
Chopsticks are the primary implement used to eat meals in Japan, and they are called “hashi” in Japanese. These are used to enjoy rice, noodles, sushi, meat, fish, and so much more, and are incredibly versatile.
We would be lying if we said that using chopsticks was easy. It’s a challenge, and some foods are particularly difficult to enjoy when using chopsticks if you don’t know the tips and tricks.
How To Use Chopsticks For Ramen
Step 1 – Holding Them Properly
The first step to successfully using chopsticks is learning how to hold them correctly. It sounds simple enough, but don’t worry if it takes you a few tries to get it right.
Before you pick up your chopstick, you should know that you should aim to hold it roughly a third of the way down. This will keep it balanced and easy to use.
When you pick your chopsticks up, they should also fit snugly in your hand and fingers – you need the grip!
Pick up one chopstick, and hold it sandwiched between your index finger and thumb – like you would hold a pen or pencil. Take note of it, because this is how you hold your top chopstick.
You can try to move this top chopstick on its own and see how you care before picking up the second.
All you need to do to hold the bottom chopstick correctly is rest it between your index finger and thumb at the base. It should be touching the side of your ring finger.
Your little and ring finger should naturally be supporting the chopsticks.
Step 2 – How To Move Them
Now that you can hold them, it’s time to learn how to move them. When you are holding them properly, the tip of the sticks should be touching, and the rest of it should not come into contact at all.
While holding it like this, try moving the top chopstick up and down. This should be happening between the index and middle fingers while the bottom chopstick is still.
If you do this right, you will notice the chopstick tips opening and closing, as if you are about to pick up a juicy slice of meat from the ramen bowl.
Here is a run-down of the steps for you to follow all the way through:
- Pick up your first chopstick about a third of the way down, and place it between the thumb and index finger so that it is balancing on your ring finger.
- Pick up the second chopstick and place it between your thumb and index finger so that it is resting on the middle finger.
- Use your middle, pointer, and thumb to firmly grasp the bottom chopstick. It should fit snugly, and be held on firmly.
- Use your middle and index finger to do all the heavy lifting with the chopstick.
- Use your middle and index fingers to close your chopsticks to grab the food you want to eat.

Step 3 – Lots Of Practice
It will take time to perfect it, so you will need to get as much practice in as possible! You should remember that when you are using your chopsticks, it is usually only the top chopstick that is actually being moved.
The bottom chopstick will, in most cases, be still.
With enough practice, you will find that you can hold even the smallest of objects, like beans and eventually individual rice grains!
When you get to this stage, eating ramen with chopsticks will be like eating anything else – as long as you do plenty of slurping and really take in the broth before going for the noodles.
Chopstick Etiquette To Be Aware Of In Japan
The final thing we should mention is about chopstick etiquette. There are a number of taboos with chopsticks that you should definitely be aware of before you go to Japan and make an enemy of yourself!
We will go through some of the things you should know about beforehand:
- Watashi-bashi – this is when you leave the chopsticks on the edge of a bowl. Never do this, as it is bad manners and frowned upon!
- Yose-bashi – this refers to pulling a dish closer to you using your chopsticks. Again, never do this because it is rude.
- Passing food – specifically, passing food with your chopsticks. Pass food by handing the person you want to give it to the bowl or plate instead.
- Leaving your chopsticks in rice – always remove your chopsticks from a bowl of rice if you are not actively using them.
- Do not cross your chopsticks – finally, you should not be crossing your chopsticks if you can help it. Always try to leave your chopsticks resting in a parallel position.
Final Thoughts
Chopsticks might be daunting, but they don’t need to be! It will take some time and practice, like anything else, and you will eventually get it.
You don’t need to worry about having difficulty eating ramen with chopsticks, either. Once you learn how to properly grip with your chopsticks, then it becomes very easy.
Just remember to drink some of the broth before you start, and hold the noodles in the air for a moment before dipping them and putting them in your mouth.
It’s a lot easier than you think when you follow step-by-step instructions, so give it a try.
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