The simple and straightforward reason for why atomic bombs were used on Japan’s apex was to save American lives.
That official justification came from the Truman administration with the dropping of the atomic bombs seen to bring the war in the Pacific to a swift end.

When Hiroshima and Nagasaki were largely destroyed, a full-scale Allied invasion of Japan was avoided.
The huge loss of life and substantial destruction of the two Japanese cities was a heavy consequence yet further research indicates that there were other potential reasons.
In this post, we will look at why atomic bombs were used on Japan’s apex. This will include the official reason as well as that the US simply wanted to use the atomic bomb.
There is also an alternative reason that we will look at too.
The Official Reason
The main justification for dropping atomic bombs on Japan’s apex was to bring about the surrender of the Japanese.
In avoiding a full-scale Allied invasion, hundreds of thousands of lives were potentially saved.
However, this official reason looks to come under some scrutiny as Japan was ready to surrender when the bombs were dropped.
General Dwight Eisenhower commented that Japan was looking to surrender and the atomic bombs were not necessary.
Before the atomic bombs were dropped, there was the Battle of Okinawa which lasted for 82 days from 1st April 1945.
The battle was fought between the US Army, US Marine Corps and the Imperial Japanese Army on the Pacific Island. This could be seen as a precursor to a full-scale invasion by the Allies on the Japanese home islands.
Had the full-scale Allied invasion of Japan, known as Operation Downfall, gone ahead then Kadena Air Base on Okinawa would have been used.
Though the battle was over in a matter of a couple of months, it was ferocious. Local authorities estimated that over 150,000 Okinawans were either killed, missing, or had died by coerced suicide.
The Japanese also used extensive kamikaze aircraft in large-scale attacks and local women even armed themselves with spears.
Though many Japanese would rather have committed suicide, the Japanese eventually surrendered and US troops occupied Okinawa
Though there was this horrific battle, there had been progress with the Japanese government but not quite enough.
By the opening months of 1945, no offer of an ‘unconditional surrender’ was forthcoming yet a negotiated one could still be managed.
This was via the neutral Soviet Union as Emperor Hirohito looked to save face for his country. Hirohito looked to change his role to one of a constitutional monarchy to prevent charges of war crimes that could lead to his execution.
The US Wanted To Use The Atomic Bomb
It appeared that Western leaders were accepting of such a position, though this was not conveyed to the Japanese government.
Official records demonstrated that Hirohito’s desire was not included in the Potsdam Declaration.
This was the wartime alliance of the UK, the US, and the Soviet Union and certain information was missing. Namely that the A-bomb test carried out by the US at Alamogordo had proved successful.
Once the A-bomb had been tested, the US wanted to drop it on a live target.
Even though the Japanese terms may well have been acceptable to the US leadership, the excuse to drop the atomic bombs was presented.
Without the Japanese coming up with an unconditional surrender, there was an opportunity to demonstrate that the US had a seismic weapon.
Not only that they possessed it, but that it was ready and could be used prior to the Japanese surrender.
There were two reasons why the dropping of the atomic bombs was somewhat hastened.
The Soviet Union was due to enter the war against Japan three months after the conclusion of the war in Europe.
That entry by the Soviets would have triggered a Japanese surrender and with it went the opportunity to drop the atomic bomb.
Furthermore, dropping the bomb would have prevented a chance for a Soviet occupation of Japan which was a concern with US troops so far away.
The Alternative Reason
The alternative reason for dropping the atomic bombs was to assert the dominance of the US in the Pacific region.
Following the war, the Americans were looking to dominate the region and the atomic bombs reduced the chance for a Japan resurgence.

In the post-war situation, many thought that the US was seeking to occupy Japan and confirm a military presence. This would allow the Americans to shape the economic and political system in, not only Japan, but the Pacific region.
This reason does come under some scrutiny when one considers the US and its key strategic concern. After the war, a Japanese resurgence was on a list of US worries but not at the very top.
The main concern for the Americans was the rise of the Soviet Union in Europe and Asia, as it later proved with the Cold War.
The issue for the Americans with the Soviet Union was how incompatible each of their economic systems was.
This proved to be a long-term issue as the US could not allow Asia and Europe to use any other system than the market economic model.
As the Soviet Union rose in power at the end of World War II, the concern was a Soviet advance through Asia and influence over Japan.
In order to spook the Soviet Union, the US dropped the atomic bombs on Japan’s apex to demonstrate their military might.
Not only did the destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima aid the end of the war, but it also bolstered American diplomacy with the Soviet Union.
Final Thoughts
The official reasoning behind atomic bombs being dropped on Japan’s apex was to bring a swift end to World War II. An alternative reason was for the US to assert its dominance in the Pacific region.
This was two-fold, by dropping the bomb the US could demonstrate its military might and prevent a Soviet occupation of Japan.
However, the US was keen to demonstrate the destruction of their A-bomb and once it had been successfully tested, the lack of a Japanese surrender provided the opportunity to use it.
Frequently Asked Questions
When Were The Atomic Bombs Dropped On Japan’s Apex?
The first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on 6th August 1945. Three days later, the Soviet Union came into the war in Asia as they had promised.
That very same day, as Japan was still reeling from that first A-bomb, a second one was dropped on Nagasaki.
Why Was The Yalta Conference Important At The End Of World War II?
The Yalta Conference brought together the UK, the US, and the Soviet Union. Its aim was to discuss how occupied Germany and countries in Eastern Europe would be dealt with after World War II.
During the meeting, Germany was split into west and east while the Soviet Union decided to join the war against Japan.
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